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Not Held
Derek Hugo & Lesley
Larry & Craig Wilson
Mandy Carter & Jacko
Grant Wilson and Craig Harris
Ben & Derm
Megan Carter & Kanga
Jen & Rosso
Simon & Bec
On 1st March 2002 Kerry Wilson passed away from Cancer. As Kerry died due to cancer the family decided to honor Kerry's memory and support a good cause to raise funds for the Cancer Council of SA at the same time naming it the "Kerry Wilson Memorial Trophy". The monies raised support cancer research, patient services, as well education on prevention programs in SA. There has also been two other family members lost to cancer who used to bowl at the Grange Bowling Club for night Owls during summer and suggested we hold it there, and the rest is history.
Kerry was a big advocate of socializing, sports and to keep his spirit alive family and friends continue to celebrate his life through the same; socializing and bowls. Because Kerry's birthday falls on Boxing Day, the timing of the event is the first Sunday after Christmas each year. As everyone would be aware around that time everyone is generally in holiday mode and people usually hang for something to do. It's a perfect opportunity to catch up with relies and friends that you may not get a chance to catch up with throughout the year. The invitation is open to anyone and people are encouraged to also bring friends and their releatives - the more the merrier as we hope to raise as much funds as we can.
We have raised more than $2040 to date and will continue to run the event annually for as long as we can keep people interested in coming along.
The format of the day is pretty simple; everyone who comes along and wishes to participate has their names placed into a hat and then partners are drawn out. We run 3 to 4 round robin rounds giving everyone the chance to get some practice in without fear of dropping out. We then tally up the scores (2 ends each game) then we pit teams against each other for a knock out tournament culminating in 2 teams hitting it out for the Kerry Wilson Memorial Trophy.

During the day we also run a couple of games to help raise funds for the Cancer Council with 50% to the winner & 50% to CCSA:
- Corners (gold coin donation)- objective try and get your bowl as close to the opposite corner without the ball going into the gutter.
- Pick the winner of the event by paying $5 for a team and pairs drawn randomly out of a hat. Once again, half to the winner & CCSA.
- in addition We also run a sausage sizzle to raise funds.

The event is held at the Grange Bowling Club on the aptly named Wilson Court, Grange -
If you would like more information please contact Grant Wilson via the email icon: Mailto.gif (25129 bytes)